【JES】Exploring Japanese Culture!! 日本文化を学ぶ。

Hello everyone!

How are you doing?

Joyful English Schoolジョイフル イングリッシュ スクール です!


今回は初、外国人講師のブログです!Jeff先生が旅の思い出をお届けします♪ Jeff先生は富士吉田校で教えていますよ(^^♪ Jeff先生の旅を素晴らしい写真とともにご覧あれ!!(ちょっと長いです笑)

JESは外国人教師と日本人教師による英会話と英文法指導を行い、話す・読む・聞く・書くの4技能をバランスよく指導しています!明るく楽しい先生たちが待っていますよ(^^) ぜひ一度体験してみてください♪


それでは外国人教師Jeff先生の冒険in Japanをどうぞ~(^^)/ ちなみに英語の後に日本語訳を付けましたが、比較的シンプルな英語で書かれているので、ぜひまずは英語で読んでみてね!

Here we go~!Let’s challenge!!



Although my photographs have occasionally been used on the JES blog, I think this is the first time I’ve appeared here as a writer.  Before moving to Japan, I had worked as a professional photographer at newspapers, at a university, and as a freelancer, but now photography is mainly just a hobby.  I take a lot of photos of our JES activities, and I also use photography to gather ideas and subject matter for drawing.


I enjoy traveling, but I don’t get to travel and explore as much as I like.  Recently, though, during Silver Week, I had a chance to spend a few days exploring around Hiroshima.  It was a chance to play with some new camera equipment I had not been able to use much yet.  I traveled to Hiroshima a number of years ago for a short visit, but there was a typhoon while I was there, so I wasn’t able to see as much as I wanted.


The first day after my arrival in Hiroshima, I visited the Hiroshima Peace Park area. In the years since my previous visit, a new building called Hiroshima Orizuru Tower, which opened in 2016, had been constructed behind the iconic Atomic Bomb Dome.  “Orizuru” means “paper crane”. This 12-story building has an observation deck above the top floor, so you can get a spectacular view of the Atomic Bomb Dome and the Peace Park, and, if you know where to look, you can also see the small marker on a nearby street that shows where the epicenter of the bomb was.


One unique feature of the building is that there is a slide that spirals down from the top floor.  Unfortunately, I was carrying too much camera equipment, so I couldn’t try the slide, and I didn’t have a chance to go back again later to give it a go.


After my visit to Orizuru Tower, I went to the Peace Memorial Museum.  The displays had been updated since my last visit, so I wanted to see how it had changed.


The second day, I traveled to Miyajima, a place I hadn’t been able to visit on my past visit to Hiroshima.  The ferry boat takes a curving route to the island, so you can get a nice view of the torii gate and temple as you make your approach.  The temple area was also filled with groups of schoolchildren and tourists.  Some of the temple was off-limits due to restoration work, but fortunately the torii gate restoration had been completed last year, so everyone could get a nice view of it.


The Hiroshima Carp baseball team was having a home baseball game against the Yokohama DeNA BayStars  that night, and I had been able to get a ticket, so after returning from Miyajima, I headed over to Mazda Zoom Zoom Stadium to watch the game.  I had been to one professional baseball game in the U.S., but had never been to a game in Japan, so this was a fun, new experience.  Some aspects were similar to my baseball experience in the U.S., but other things were uniquely Japanese.  Unfortunately for Hiroshima, they lost the game, 3-1.

その日の夜、広島カープと横浜DeNAとの試合があり、チケットが取れたので宮島から戻ったあとMAZUDA ZOOM-ZOOMスタジアムに試合を観に行きました。アメリカでは1度プロ野球を観に行ったことがあったのですが、日本では1度も観たことがなく、新しい経験でとても楽しむことができました。アメリカのプロ野球と似ている雰囲気もありましたが、日本特有だと感じるところもありました。残念ながら広島は3対1で負けてしまいました。

After the game, I returned to my hotel, then headed over to the nearby Peace Park to take some nighttime pictures.


On my last full day in the Hiroshima area, I traveled to Iwakuni to see Kintaikyo Bridge, a famous wooden arched bridge stretching across the Nishiki River.  Ever since seeing images of this bridge on the Internet, I had always wanted to see it in person.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to take the nearby ropeway to get the view from a higher vantage point, but the bridge itself was quite spectacular.  While I was visiting the bridge, a film crew was there working on a Japanese drama, so there were a number of actors in period costumes milling around and performing in front of the cameras.



The next day, on my way back to Yamanashi, I stopped in Himeji for a few hours.  I had previously visited Himeji about eight years ago, but my time there had also been marred by bad weather, so I wanted to try to see the castle again.  This time, there was no rain, so I was able to see the castle under much better conditions.


On this trip, I was using some new digital cameras and lenses, but I also used a couple of special cameras.  


There are so many things I would like to see in Japan – I hope I have the opportunity to travel again soon!





ジェフ先生の冒険、素晴らしい写真でしたね!ちなみに、英語で読んでみましたか?分からない単語等あったかな?marredなんて難しいですよね。準1級以上を目指すなら押さえておきたい単語ですよ!(※mar 台無しにする・ひどく傷つける)。日本の子供たちに英語を教えるのだから、日本文化にもしっかり触れ合い、理解を深めたいというジェフ先生。今までにいろいろなところに行っているようですよ。またジェフ先生は写真の他に絵も描いていて、とても上手なんです。多才ですね!また次回の外国人教師ブログもお楽しみに!!


As always, thank you for supporting JES!

